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Before Berber Rugs Became a Passion

Early on in his life, Galvinsky made the decision that he wanted to see the world. When an eight-year-old boy says it, it’s adorable and rightfully wishful. But, when you’re a recently-graduated 18-year-old, you’re going to have to apply yourself. 

Soon enough, Galvinsky reached a requiring age. And he used that opportunity to cross two things off of his list: visiting a foreign country, and studying at a historically artistic city - Barcelona.

Those two milestones would later serve as gateway adventures to Galvinsky - which will do his childhood dream justice. 

Moroccan Rugs — Outside Morocco?

Travelling around the world, for both academic and personal reasons, had left him with an urge to discover more. And so he did. 

Later on, he decided to start his own tourism company, and travel for work. Doing so resulted in emotional fulfilment at the time. Being able to roam the world and unfold many stories surely worked for Galvinsky’s artistic journey. Had he decided on a different major, the world and its endless stream of influencing scenes would’ve remained a mystery to him. 

So far, we’ve covered the ‘Nomad’ part of Nomad33. Staying true to his roots, Galvinsky soared around the world and earned his title. And because of its significance to him, he decided to employ it as a moniker for his next project.

Surely, ‘33’ must signify something - and it does!

Nomad33 came to existence only after many trying, overwhelming, and sometimes unbearable situations - whether they were professional to Galvinsky, personal, or academic. Weathering through his rite of passage: overcoming many hurdles in different fields, took time - since 2003. After fifteen years of constant battles through life’s unending demands - Nomad33 was born. Galvinsky, at the time, was thirty-three years of age. Hence - Nomad33.

I could’ve coloured the name as much as I coloured my rugs, but I preferred keeping it simple, personal, and easily remembered!

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