Heritage Craft, Reimagined. Complimentary Global Shipping. Free Trade Certified.
Heritage Craft, Reimagined. Complimentary Global Shipping. Free Trade Certified.
Before we began our journey, it was made clear that Nomad33 wouldn’t contest. Vying for the ‘biggest market share’ was never an intention, a goal, or was even considered an achievement. Effective and resourceful marketing campaigns and ‘selling techniques’ are used to keep our business afloat.
Although, it’s more a collective than a business. And Galvinsky, Nomad33’s founder and head designer, prefers the term ‘artistic gathering’.
“It’s both heartwarming and immensely encouraging to work hard and toil away - and still maintain a happy, satisfied face. I once thought it only applied to me, but after my opportune encounter with our weavers and designers, I’ve figured that anyone would feel the same jovial feeling if they do what they love for work.”
From the beginning, employing passion to create art was the mainstay of Nomad33. Every passing minute, we’re reminded of how much we enjoy our work. The end result serves as an artistic feast for our eyes - and souls.
Whether they're rugs we made from scratch, or antique treasures that we've stumbled upon, we're very proud of our wide, jubilant, and artistically satisfying roster!
We also make tremendous efforts to showcase the works of the Atlas’ Berber women. The ones that are responsible for transforming conceptions and designs into tangible masterpieces. Weaving, to the Berber women of the Atlas, is a way of life. A decision they make early in life and continue acting upon with enthusiasm and great care.
Our distinctive style, whether it’s our design, the technique of weaving, or interacting with our supporters, grants us the opportunity to live our peaceful recluse from the world.
In summation, this gathering, as Galvinsky likes to call it, is a tribute to art in all its forms. Being inspired by various aspects that are part of different objects, topics, and cultural history in general awards us the ingenuity and authenticity needed to create, inspire and share our ‘made with love’ creations.
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